Simple Summer Suppers
Its the height of summer in the Northeast. Our garden is in full production mode, but our house is hot and days of playing outside or...

What are we Eating for Meat Free Week?
This week is meat free week in Australia and the UK; as a Food Revolution Ambassador I found out about this week from chef Jamie Oliver,...

Kale, Kale, and more Kale
Today I harvested about 1/3 of the kale from our garden because it was pushing up against the row cover and starting to bolt. I found...

Confessions of a Crunchy Mom
This article was originally publised on Parent Co Magazine, January 15, 2016. Yup, that’s me. Breastfeeding my daughter in our community...

Welcome to the Hive
Greetings! Thank you for joining us on The Happy Hive. This website is a work in progress, but then again isn't everything? We figure...