Valentine's Day Gifts for Homesteaders

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Valentines Day is around the corner, and if you’re into giving gifts or even just appreciations to the people you love in your life, you might be tempted to go the “traditional” route for your homesteading partner or friend.
Chocolates and flowers are nice, but if you want to know the way to your homesteaders’ heart, consider a gift that shows them you know what they love and what they're life is about. You know what I’m talking about – those homesteading things that they really want to buy for themselves but are perhaps too frugal or responsible to splurge on.

#1: More Chickens (or bees or goats)
If you have a chicken lover in your life you know that he or she really wants a few more. Maybe a different variety that will add color to your rainbow egg harvest? Maybe they want to try meat birds in addition to layers this year? You know they’re thinking about it. Take them on that special date (to Tractor Supply, duh) and tell them you’ll support their urge, just this one time. Same goes for beekeepers and goats - if you can help them add to their hive or their flock, they'll love you for knowing that they wanted to do more.
#2: Something Chicken (or bee or goat) Related
If it’s not more actual animals your loved one desires, then they probably just need one more animal-related thing to remind them of the animal they love, no matter how many they already have. Maybe its that pair of chicken muck boots for early morning feedings, or that perfect chicken mug that they’ll proudly display on their chicken-related Instagram account for their fellow chicken-lovers to drool over (I know you don’t think you NEED another mug in your cabinet, but actually you kinda do). You could also grab a "save the bees" necklace for your beek, or those must-have goat socks for your goat-herder (or goat-herder wannabee).
Moving on from animal lovers (though you can stop here if you have a chicken-lover in your life), how about that other thing that homesteaders always want more of –
#3: Seeds (and Seed Catalogs)
There is probably nothing that could turn your vegetable gardener on more than handing them a pile of seed catalogs and telling them you’ll spend the evening choosing cool varieties with them.
The list of free catalogs you could include is endless but some of the more beautiful include:
Placing the order together is as romantic as it gets ;). While you're at it, why not set them up with a gardening planning calculator like this great one from Seeds for Generations.
#4: Homestead-Tough Clothing and Gear
If you live with a homesteader, you know they can never have enough of high-quality, time tested, reliable, and functional clothing and gear. You know they’ve had their eye something. Maybe that pair of gardening gloves or work gloves that seems too extravagant. Warm their heart – literally – with that pair of Carhartt Overalls they keep talking about or a work coat that will get them through the early morning feedings for the rest of the winter. If you have to send them out in the cold nights, show them you appreciate them by getting them the perfect winter hat with a built-in light to check on the barn or the coop.
#5: Gifts from Fellow Homesteaders
If you want to get them something a bit more unique and personal why not show them you love their lifestyle by shopping from other homesteaders or farmers? Tell them they’re sweet by buying them local maple syrup or honey, or get them some artisan farmhouse tea to keep them healthy this winter (and to go with that new chicken mug), a hand-made soap tray or felted soap to spoil themselves at bath time, or a beautiful hand-forged dinner bell to call the family together.

Lastly, nothing says gift from the heart like something homemade or experienced together on your Homestead.
Why not help them finish that house project they've been wanting done for so long, even if it means hiring some help to get it done? Build them that shelf they've been wanting for their canned goods or fix that spice rack that's falling down and fill it with delicious new spices? Take them out into the woods on a foraging trip, or sign up for a cheese-making class. The options are endless if you think carefully about all of the hints they've been dropping or things they've been quietly longing for over the past year.
Bonus: Here are 10 Wintry Date Ideas for Country Couples from Growing Wild Roots.
And yes, you should feel free to post this article on your Facebook feed or slyly send it to loved ones. After all, if your loved one truly knows you well, they know you want something practical and relevant for Valentines Day (though you might not complain about a little chocolate too).