Balancing Work & Play for a Happier Homestead
My husband and I love this stuff; for us, this work is play. But the kids? Not surprisingly, trimming apple trees and loading the wood rac

Build an Upcycled Seed Starting Operation
Starting seeds indoors before the garden season arrives is one of the best ways to get a head start on providing your own vegetables at a...

Getting Started with Breadmaking (Part 1)
This post contains affiliate links; please click here for our affiliate disclosure. Making your own bread can seem intimating at first -...

Four Ways to Declutter your Mailbox
I am so tired of being buried under piles of mail. Credit card offers, catalogs, and junk mail clutter up my counter and fill the...

In Praise of the High Quality Toaster Oven
This post is part our series, Helpful on the Homestead (or H.O.H. for short). This series is all about showcasing products, practices,...

Interrupting the Busy
Life can throw a lot at ya. Take these past few months. We've had everything from losing a great-grandparent to jury duty, from sick...

Preserving the Harvest when you're Kind of Exhausted
OK. Its October. It's still hitting seventy degrees up here in Vermont and the garden, though it doesn't look so pretty, is still

Building Community on the Homestead
Worlds collide (in a good way) when we gather friends and family to press apples on the homestead, and it makes for a memorable tradition.

A Day in the Life of a Part-Time Homesteading Family
There are a lot of dreams coming true on this little three-acre plot of land. It is not always puppy dogs and balloons, and there’s a lot o

10 Easy Tomato Recipes for a Bumper Crop
This post contains affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Please click here to read our full...