Preserving the Harvest when you're Kind of Exhausted
OK. Its October. It's still hitting seventy degrees up here in Vermont and the garden, though it doesn't look so pretty, is still

10 Easy Tomato Recipes for a Bumper Crop
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Yes, your Children can Make their own Lunches!
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Napa Cabbage Salad
Last year we planted broccoli seeds for our garden, only to find out the package had been mislabeled and we actually ended up with giant...

Squash and Potato Hash & Eggs
Last summer we had the privilege of visiting some friends at their Adirondack Camp on a secluded lake in upstate New York. We had the...

Simple Tomato Barley Soup for Sick Days
We woke up this morning to two kids with sniffles, coughs, and sore throats. I considered dragging them both to school, but quickly...

Easy Peasy Roasted Tomato Sauce
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Simple Summer Suppers
Its the height of summer in the Northeast. Our garden is in full production mode, but our house is hot and days of playing outside or...

What are we Eating for Meat Free Week?
This week is meat free week in Australia and the UK; as a Food Revolution Ambassador I found out about this week from chef Jamie Oliver,...

Kale, Kale, and more Kale
Today I harvested about 1/3 of the kale from our garden because it was pushing up against the row cover and starting to bolt. I found...